
W dniach 02- 06 października w naszej szkole ponownie gościli wolontariusze z organizacji Global Volunteers. Goście ze Stanów Zjednoczonych regularnie odwiedzają Prusa i spotykają się z naszymi uczniami. Prowadzą ciekawe zajęcia, a opowiadając o sobie, zachęcają do nauki języka angielskiego. Ucznowie zaś mają okazję nie tylko konwersować z native speakers, ale też poznać bliżej ich kulturę i tradycje. Tym razem mieliśmy okazję poznać Mary Mayout z San Antonio i Monique Christman z St Louis. Był to tydzień pełen wrażeń i niezapomnianych chwil!!!

A oto co napisały nasze wolontariuszki o sobie i naszej szkole:
Hello my name is Ngoc (Mary) Mayout and I am from San Antonio, Texas, USA. It was my honor to collaborate with the English students and English teachers at Prus High School in Gmina Siedlce. I hope my teammate and I was able to help you become more skilled and confident with your conversational English. We love Poland so much and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your English learning journey. Please remember that “Learning is never done without errors and defeat.” Wishing you all the best of luck!
Best regards,
Ngọc (Mary) Mayout

My name is Monique Christman and I am from St Louis, Missouri in the United States. I work at Medtronic, a global developer and manufacturer of healthcare technologies and medical devices aimed at alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life. Medtronic operates in over 150 countries and has more than 90,000 employees worldwide.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree and went on to graduate school for a Master of Business Administration degree. My father believed in two types of education. Not only did he want his children to be educated in school but he also believed in education through traveling to different countries. He wanted us to learn about the history, traditions, cultural and philosophical differences from people around the world. Due to my father’s influence, my greatest passion is for international travel and I have travelled extensively throughout my life.
I am very honored to come to Poland and work with the students at Prusa on conversational English. I was impressed by their command of the English language as well as their warmth, generosity and eagerness to learn. I am also very appreciative to the teachers who were extremely caring and very welcoming. I really admire their dedication to the students.